Thursday, 23 December 2010

Vin Diesel talks third Riddick film

Vin Diesel has hopped onto Facebook to post a message about his third Riddick movie, and he's divulged an intriguing little snippet of information.

According to the muscle man’s post, his third outing as the intergalactic alien-killing criminal will see the actor taking on three different looks.

 “[Director David Twohy] has a new challenge in store,” Diesel writes. “He wants me to have three different body looks for this next chapter… There is the DiNorscio type, the Dom type, and the lean Furyan type… but all in the same movie, haha…”

Which basically means we’re going to see Riddick as fat, ripped and skinny (Vinny's referencing three of his own films there). Could this third Riddick involve some kind of weird viral infection that causes Riddick’s body to change and mutate?

Whatever happens, Diesel seems up for it. “When it comes to art, we all like a challenge,” he says.

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