Saturday, 14 May 2011

Terminator rights could get bought by Indie financier

Indie film producer Megan Ellison has made a bid for the rights to the new Terminator film.

With Arnold Schwarzenegger keen to return for a fifth time-travelling action-fest, and Justin Lin pitching his idea for a fivequel all over town, Ellison has emerged as an unusual potential financier for the film.

An auction is taking place at the moment as the rights to Terminator move to change hands, with Lionsgate a clear frontrunner to take home the contract.

But now Ellison’s production company Annapurna Pictures has made an attempt to outbid Lionsgate.

Who is Ellison? Well, she’s currently funding Paul Thomas Anderson’s new film, as well as Kathryn Bigelow’s Kill Bin Laden and The Wettest Country In The World.

Which could mean that we’d be in for a treat if she takes home the Terminator rights. Seeing as Annapurna isn't a big Hollywood studio, could that mean less meddling and a better final product? Dare to dream...

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